Friday, September 28, 2012

           Well my grandparents may have moved to another state but I still can't let my guard down. My sister decided that it would be a good idea for us all to go to NM for Thanksgiving. I told both her and my mom that on no terms would I and my family be doing that. If she and my sister want to waste their holiday doing that it's totally up to them. Levi has work that week, I won't go into the lion's den without him, my children won't be going without us, we have no desire to see my grandparents and we're not going to put our kids through that long of a trip and waste the money!
           No matter how many times I tell Mom and Bethany that I am done with my grandparents and do not want to be a part of their lives anymore, they still spring these things on me. Expecting me to feel guilty enough to give in I guess. The thing is, I don't feel guilty about no longer having anything to do with my grandparents in the slightest bit. Being around them is like willingly exposing yourself to radiation poisoning or something.

          We're going to start trying the whole self sufficient farming thing. Levi is building a chicken coop and has plans for a hog pen, rabbit hutch, cow shed, and a large garden. I'm excited.

          I'm still trying to lose weight. I'm being hampered by two things: 1.) Having no desire to exercise. 2.) Birth control. lol

          Zoe will be four in November! I can't believe that she's already that age. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. Travace is talking more and more clearly and he adds a couple of new words to his vocabulary every day.

        Bethany just found out that she's pregnant with baby #2. Here in a few weeks we'll know what she's having. Margo will be about a month short of being 2 years older than the new baby. 

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