Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring has finally come to Oklahoma. And has brought allergies galore with it. Ye gods above, am I tired of feeling like crap thanks to pollen!

Levi is finally starting to do better. Thank the universe for that!

My children are growing like weeds. We're only a month away from Travace's third birthday. And 7 months from Zoe's fifth. Where has the time gone?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sing to me softly when my thoughts get to loud.
Hold my hand tightly so I don't drown.
Hug me to your chest so I can hear your heart beat.
Kiss away my sadness and let our eyes meet.
Let me get lost in your love,
Let me use you as my foundation,
Show me the stars so far above,
And the beauty in creation.
Quiet the noise that goes on in my head.
And cloak me in safety when I lay down in bed.
Be my anchor, my love, in the storm of life.
By: Christiana Parker